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Safety of sperm washing and ART outcome in 741 HIV-1-serodiscordant couples.
Human Reproduction 2006 Nov 15 pag 1-6
- F.P.G Leone, L.Carsana, C.Lanzani, G. Vago, E.Ferrazzi
Sonohysterographic endometrial sampling and hysteroscopic endometrial biopsy : a comparative study.
Ultrasound in Obstetric and Gynecology 2007 pag 443-448
- Lanzani C, Savasi V, Leone FP, Ratti M, Ferrazzi E.
Two-dimensional HyCoSy with contrast tuned imaging technology and a second-generation contrast media for the assessment of tubal patency in an infertility program.
Fertil Steril. 2009 pag 1-5
- Van Calster B, Van Hoorde K, Valentin L, Testa AC, Fischerova D, Van Holsbeke C, Savelli L, Franchi D, Epstein E, Kaijser J, Van Belle V, Czekierdowski A, Guerriero S, Fruscio R, Lanzani C, Scala F, Bourne T, Timmerman D; International Ovarian Tumour Analysis Group.
Evalueting the risk of ovarian cancer before surgery using the ADNEX model to differentiate between benign, borderline, early and advanced stage invasive, and secondary metastatic tumors: prospective multicentre diagnostic study
BMJ. 2014
- Isobaric gasless laparoscopie rnyomectomy under generai or spinal-epidural anaesthesia: reproductive outcome
Cammareri G.m, Macalli E. A.*m, Cirillo F., Lanzani C., Di Francesco S.m, Turri A., Zampogna G., Rehman S., Ferrazzi E. M.
- A new generation reusable flexible coaxial bipolar hook electrode in office hysteroscopy
Cammareri G., Di Francesco S., Lanzani C., Turri A.m,Rehman S., Cirillo F.m, Macalli E.m, Ferrazzi E.
- How to treat submucosal myomas with office hysteroscopy
Cammareri G., Rollo D., Di Francesco S., Zampogna G. , Cirillo F., Ferrazzi E.
- Two-steps office hysteroscopy for thè treatment of endometrial polyps
Cammareri G., Di Francesco S., Lanzani C., Turri A.L1J, Rehman S.m, Macalli E., Ferrazzi E.
- Isobarle gasless laparoscopie myomectomy for multiple, medium or large uterine leiomyomas, under generai or combined spinal-epidural anaesthesia: operative outcome
Cammareri G., Macalli E. A.*m, Cirillo F., Lanzani C., Di Francesco S., Turri A., Zampogna G., Rehman S., Ferrazzi E. M.
- As women accept office hysteroscopy
Cammareri G.m, Lanzani C., Ratti M, Cirillo F., Zampogna G., Ferrazzi E.
- Two-step office hysteroscopy for the treatment of endometrial polyps
G. Cammareri, C. Lanzani, S. Di Francesco, E. Macalli, A. Turri, S. Rehman, E. Ferrazzi
virtual posters
- Fertility and obstetric outcome following gasless isobaric myomectomy
G. Cammareri, C. Lanzani, S. Di Francesco, E. Macalli, A. Turri, S. Rhaiman, G. Zampogna, E. Ferrazzi
- A new generation reusable flexible coaxial bipolar hook electrode in Office Histeroscopy
G. Cammareri, C. Lanzani, S. Di Francesco, E. Macalli, A. Turri, S. Rhaiman, G. Zampogna, E. Ferrazzi
- Isobaric myomectomy: surgical and reproductive outcomes of 5 years experience (G. Cammareri, C. Lanzani, F. Cirillo, E.A. Macalli, A. Turri, S. Rehman, F. Buzzella, E.M. Ferrazzi)
- Office hysteroscopic myomectomy: effective and efficient procedure (G. Cammareri, A. Turri, C. Lanzani, S. Rehman, F. Cirillo, F. Buzzella, E.M. Ferrazzi, S. Di Francesco)
- Office hysteroscopic polypectomy: the “two-step” technique (G. Cammareri, C. Lanzani, A. Turri, S. Rehman, F. Cirillo, S. Di Francesco, F. Buzzella, E.M. Ferrazzi)
- Ultrasound assessment of adnexal masses in a non-oncological gynaecological university unit. (C. Lanzani, E. Macalli, A. Turri, F. Cirillo, F. Buzzella, G. Cammareri, E. Ferrazzi)
- One step transvaginal ultrasound and office hysteroscopic assessment of submucous myomas (C. Lanzani, A. Turri, E. Macalli, F. Cirillo, F. Buzzella, G. Cammareri, E. Ferrazzi)